Plenary Session—Dr. Yoshinori Fujiwara, Team Leader, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Tokyo, Japan

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"Win-win-win Strategy: Promoting Intergenerational Interactions and Relationships in Japanese Communities" Dr. Yoshinori Fujiwara graduated from the school of medicine at Hokkaido University and received his graduate degree from Kyoto University. He is team-leader of the Research Team for Social Participation and Community Health at Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology. He has been developing an intergenerational program, REPRINTS, at public elementary schools since 2004. Based on the findings of the program, he has demonstrated long-term effects of the intergenerational programs on functional capacity among senior volunteers and social capital. Also, he has conducted several community-based longitudinal studies and promoted prevention programs for social isolation and cognitive decline among older adults. He is vice-president of the Japan Society for Intergenerational Studies and NPO Japan Intergenerational Unity Association.

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