Exploring Integration of Young Ukrainian Refugee Experiences in the Norwegian Job Market : A Qualitative Study in Sola Municipality, Norway


This research endeavors to provide a comprehensive examination of the challenges and opportunities encountered by young Ukrainian refugees in accessing the Norwegian job market. Employing qualitative research methodology, with a primary focus on semi-ethnography as the principal data collection tool, the study was conducted within the Sola municipality of Stavanger, involving a total of 15 participants, comprising six males and nine females. Analysis of the research findings reveals significant hurdles faced by young Ukrainian refugees, prominently including the lack of proficiency in both the Norwegian and English languages. Furthermore, the diversity of Norwegian dialects further compounds their linguistic challenges. Additionally, the complexities associated with recognizing their educational backgrounds and professional experiences within the Norwegian education system, hindering their pursuit of higher education in Norwegian higher education institutes. However, there is prevailing uncertainty about their legal status in Norway, coupled with a lack of motivation in job seeking and skill development. The implications of this research are manifold. Firstly, the findings and recommendations can serve to enhance the effectiveness of municipality integration programs geared toward facilitating refugee labor integration. Moreover, policy practitioners can utilize the research findings to formulate more informed and targeted integration policies. Additionally, this research contributes to the refugee integration literature, addressing a timely topic in migration studies research. Lastly, the refugees themselves stand to benefit from the insights gleaned from this research, gaining a better understanding of their circumstances and available opportunities within Norwegian society.


Hirosha Kalupe
Student, Masters, University of Stavanger, Norway


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—The World on the Move: Understanding Migration in a New Global Age


Ukrainian Refugees, Norwegian Job Market, Challenges, Possibilities