Demographic Shifts and Eurasian Integration: Implications of Unequal Cohort Integration


China and the United States are contesting for global leadership. Their long-term status depends on population size and productivity. As China’s active population declines sharply India’s active population will continue to rise beyond 2075. By moving from confrontation to integration, both countries could extend the demographic window of opportunity that propelled China’s growth and increased technological transfers. Analysis of the difference in values between India and China is only marginally more significant than that between India and the US-EU. Serious obstacles to such an integration persist. The territorial dispute along the Himalayan border is escalating. India still severely excuses women from the workforce, restricting potential growth. Yet, the potential economic payoffs from an Asia integration may prompt both nations to take plosive steps to achieve what the EU has accomplished. The analysis uses UN, World Value Surveys and Political Performance data with forecasts through 2075.


Jacek Kugler
Student, Elisabeth Helm Rosencrance Professor of World Politics, Claremont Graduate University, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Global Studies


Demography Integration Political Performance Values Migration