Workshop at the Multicultural Center Krakow

(The video of this activity is available in the description)

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The Nineteenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences and the Jagiellonian University (Kraków) offer a Case Study Morning when all the delegates are invited to join a workshop that will be held at the Multicultural Center in Krakow.

The Multicultural Center in Krakow is an innovative project co-funded by the City of Krakow, operating within the framework of the Open Krakow program since 2021. The main operator of the Center is the Internationaler Bund Polska foundation, which has been operating in Krakow and Silesia since 2004. its mission is to provide assistance and support to communities at risk of exclusion, including due to age, disabilities, origin, or place of residence.

The Multicultural Center works towards:

  • Introducing the idea of multiculturalism to residents and presenting different cultures through selected cultural practices.
  • Activating foreigners and representatives of national and ethnic minorities to participate in social initiatives.
  • Providing information about projects implemented or supported by the Krakow municipality.
  • Building a community based on intercultural cooperation with strong support from a group of volunteers.

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