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Shyla Dogan, Assistant Professor, Division of Educational Leadership and Innovation, Arizona State University, United States
Alberto E. Lopez-Carrion, Researcher, Communication Sciences, University of València, Valencia, Spain
Stephanie Kathan, Student, Social Welfare, University of California, Los Angeles, California, United States

What Makes Specialist Maths Schools Successful? View Digital Media

Poster Session
Harry Richardson  

In 2023, Kings College London Maths School achieved an average grade of A*, the highest academic result in the country, topping the school academic rankings for two consecutive years. Kings College London Maths School is part of a growing number of mathematics schools in England designed to help to best-performing and most enthusiastic young students in maths to go on to have mathematically intensive careers. But why do they work and how do students cope with the transition to university? As the Government plans to open more maths schools, it is important to know what makes these schools successful and if their model could benefit other schools in England. This poster will be about the beginnings of my PhD project. The project aims are to understand if the co-curriculum, pedagogy and research projects in the schools provide (if any) benefit and how. This is achieved through speaking with maths school students; and following them through their last year of school and their first year of university. Using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, students' experiences of maths schools are analysed to understand how they interact with the school and how maths schools differ from students' previous education establishment and their time at university. The project will lay the foundation for future work on this topic and present further discussion and whether this model could be applicable in other schools in England.

A Historical Analysis of Communication Sciences in the Context of Social Sciences: Theoretical Evolution and Interpretive Perspectives View Digital Media

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Ayten Bengisu Cansever  

This study undertakes a historical analysis of the development of communication sciences within the broader context of social sciences. It elucidates the birth of communication sciences, their influences from various theories, and their evolving role within the social sciences through different periods. This research provides a theoretical perspective on these developments. The first section of the paper delves into the origins of communication sciences and the theoretical influences that shaped them, highlighting key foundational theories and theorists within the realm of social sciences. Subsequently, it draws upon existing literature to identify pivotal shifts in communication sciences over time. The findings contribute to a better understanding of how communication sciences have evolved within the landscape of social sciences. This work serves as a valuable resource for communication science students, researchers, and academics, offering a deeper insight into the historical roots of communication sciences. Additionally, it provides a reference point for those interested in comprehending the significance and changing roles of communication sciences within the broader domain of social sciences.

Circular Economy: The Role of Internal and External Marketing in Supply Chain View Digital Media

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Donya Darvish,  Gargi Bhaduri  

The fashion industry has suffered from irresponsible manufacturing, consumption and disposal practices leading to huge amounts of waste generated. Circular supply chain (CSC) has been a recent approach to change our business models to address the issues of waste reduction and effectively use our resources. A fashion CSC aims to keep clothes, textiles and fibers at their highest value during use and then create pathways to re-enter the economy after use, never entering the waste stream. Therefore, for a supply chain (SC) to become truly circular, every party in the SC has to be equally involved, starting with the design and development team to manufacturing and consumers. This study, through a concept paper approach, seeks to explore ways in which a fashion company can educate all parties to align everyone along one common goal of achieving circularity. Given marketing is a tool used by companies to inform, remind and persuade stakeholders, the goal of this study was to identify the major stakeholders in a supply chain and suggest areas where internal and external marketing need to focus on for members to actively participate in the fashion CSC. For internal marketing, CSC initiatives should emphasize that all parties in the SC are taking steps to ensure that the product they are offering has the potential to be circular. For external marketing, the company must educate consumers about the negative impacts of the industry, about how their product life can be extended, and how to dispose their products to ensure circularity.

Intersectionality as a Research Framework on the Gendered Aspects of Migration: Studying Interconnected Levels of Oppression in Discourse View Digital Media

Poster Session
Vasiliki Ioanna Konstantopoulou  

Although many aspects of migration processes are shaped disproportionately by different identity parameters there are few frameworks in social psychology for studying this diversification, in an integrative way. The present paper focuses on intersectionality as an analytical perspective capable of shedding light on the complex relationship between gender and migration. By highlighting the interconnections between power, social marginalization, and identity experiences, intersectionality represents an analytically sensitive concept for exploring how women from different cultural, social, and phenomenological backgrounds are affected by the dominant immigration policies. The paper comprises two parts: a theoretical and an applied part. In the theoretical part, we elaborate on the epistemological strengths of intersectionality in studying the gendered aspects of global migration. In the applied part, we present four levels of intersectional qualitative analysis, based on discursive extracts on Muslim women's migration collected from the Greek press. Against this backdrop, we suggest that integrative and interdisciplinary frameworks that combine intersectionality and discourse analysis can help us explore the hierarchization of migrant women in the dominant representations of the western public sphere.

Women on the Range: Gendered Adaptation Strategies for Resilience in Kenyan Pastoralism View Digital Media

Poster Session
Waithira Anne C. Dormal  

The Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) of Kenya, where pastoral communities have historically depended on livestock rearing for generations, are experiencing significant impacts from climate change. The climate risks, including floods and droughts, disrupt pastoralist livelihoods, endangering the wellbeing of these communities and rendering traditional roles untenable. Gender roles were distinctly established in these communities as a social, economic, and ecological response to the environment. However, climate stresses are seriously upsetting this way of life. To maintain pastoral communities' survival and resilience in the face of this disruption, gendered roles must be reevaluated, and effective adaptation strategies deployed. Data from 12 gender-disaggregated focus groups held in three different locations in Kajiado are used in this study, which explores the crucial role women play in ensuring that their households adapt to this changing environment. This research investigates how gendered social differentiation shapes adaptation strategies for resilience. By analysing women's perspectives within pastoral households, the study aims to uncover specific coping mechanisms women use to navigate climate variability and to determine factors such as resource accessibility, decision-making authority, and information that influence women's adaptation tactics. Existing studies recognize the importance of gender in adaptation, but a more nuanced understanding of women's specific coping mechanisms and the factors influencing their choices is needed. This research seeks to provide knowledge for policymakers and development practitioners informing and interventions that empower women and build resilience within Kenyan pastoral communities facing the ongoing challenges of climate change.

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