Sesión plenaria (en inglés) - Joern Langhorst

"The Right to Place: Landscape, Identity, Conflict and Agency in Anthropocene​"

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Joern Langhorst, Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture, University of Colorado Denver, Colorado, United States
Scott Sworts, Postgraduate Programme Lead, Oxford Brooks University, United Kingdom


Joern Langhorst, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Colorado Denver, was educated in Landscape Architecture, Architecture and Urban Planning, and has taught in Landscape Architecture, Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning and Urban Design in the US and abroad. His practice has focused on projects in highly contested situations, such as redevelopment and remediation in post-industrial cities, brownfield sites, and post-disaster recovery, and he is consulting on these issues nationally and internationally.

His research and teaching are exploring the processes and actors that make and unmake place, space and landscape, focusing on places of incisive and radical change, such as post-colonial, post-industrial and post-disaster cities. His approaches involve multiple perspectives and disciplines, and establish a methodology he calls “landscape forensics”. He examines how concepts such as social and environmental justice, resilience, and sustainability are conceived and implemented, arguing for a “right to place”. Langhorst scrutinizes the role of emergent technologies, alternative processes and the relationships between traditional and new actors and agents, and foregrounds contestation and conflict as unavoidable processes central to landscape and place change.

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