The Normativity of the Letter in University Pedagogical Practice: The Case of Ortega y Gasset in Argentine Exile (1939-1942)


Thinking about the pedagogical practice of the Madrid philosopher in Argentine Exile requires careful archival work if we consider the legal exclusion of the Spanish and Argentine universities. Both, historiography and cultural studies of the last three decades, properly literary, hold an update with the use of the letter. Due to this, the biographical approach of the work complicates the normativity of the academic conference in an attached space of deferred conversation: the correspondence. Thus, the observatory of this extension practice shows from the unpublished Ocampo / Ortega y Gasset epistolary the power of a non-institutionalized knowledge, writing as epoje (ἐποχή) of the Ibero-American dialogue begun in 1916 and the memory of space in Argentine university extension.


María Eugenia Pizzul
Student, PhD Candidate in Education, National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Cultural Studies


University Extension, Normativity, Letter, Exile, Ortega y Gasset