Expansion of Organizational Knowledge through Teamwork: Relationship between Limited Rationality, Effectuation Theory, and Teamwork


Organizational knowledge increases by taking into account the skills and experience of each person in the organization through teamwork. Each person has a series of resources and means to seek a desired effect, but when one or more people join the vision of the decision maker, the resources are multiply and the chances of success to translate the vision of the organization into reality increase. The above is only achieved by applying the principles of the entrepreneurship, i) bird in hand, identifying the available means, ii) affordable loss, determining the potential risk and assuming the acceptable loss, iii) crazy quilt, find commitment and professionalism, iv) lemonade, take advantage of unforeseen events and v) pilot on the plane. A person who knows how to deal with a crisis is required. It is necessary to know the aspirations and goals of a person so that the organization benefits from their tacit knowledge by offering a platform to achieve them, by doing this a healthy environment is created to share information that must be validated through a test or founded by facts to prevent the organization from being affected, it is better not to have information than false and unfounded information.


América Celeste González Navarrete
Student, Mechanical engeneering, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Iván Vázquez Cenil
Student, Master, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Fernando Elí Ortiz-Hernández
Profesor-Investigador, ESIME U.C., Instituto Politécnico Nacional IPN, Distrito Federal, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Studies


Teamwork, Management, Tacit knowledge, Limited rationality, Effectuation, Principles of entrepreneurship