Eight Disciplines to Identify Weaknesses in the Management System: Methodology to Improve the Workplace


The eight disciplines are a model usually used by engineers or other professionals to achieve quality; it is a tool that involves teamwork focused on the facts. The main principle of the methodology is to help the easy and accurate identification of the root cause of a problem to implement an efficient and permanent corrective action. The steps of the 8Ds methodology are 0) Preparations, the team will be made up of members of different specializations within the company, 1) Integrate the team, 2) Define the problem, 3) Apply and verify the preliminary containment measures, 4) Identify and verify the root cause (s), 5) Define and verify the definitive corrective actions, 6) Implement and monitor permanent corrective actions, 7) Avoid the repetition of the problem and 8) Recognize and congratulate the team. There are three main aspects that limited the use of the methodology. 1) Insufficient and shallow root cause investigation, intuitive conclusions without relying on facts, 2) The application of the 8D’s in non-systematic random errors, and 3) Omission of the “motivation” factor. On the other hand, the success factors of the methodology are i) Applying the classification of problems by importance and urgency and ii) Monitoring motivation and evaluation indicators. The 8D’s are not substitute for the quality system, their objective is to face the problems and discover the weaknesses in the management system that allowed the problem to take place in the first place.


Iván Vázquez Cenil
Student, Master, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Amado Francisco García Ruiz
Profesor Investigador, Posgrado, Instituto Politécnico Nacional UPIICSA, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Fernando Elí Ortiz-Hernández
Profesor-Investigador, ESIME U.C., Instituto Politécnico Nacional IPN, Distrito Federal, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Studies


Eight disciplines teamwork methodology quality management system