Regaining Identity in a Globalised Wolrd: A Journey of Rediscovery in Cairo


This dissertation explores the identity of the city and the forces of globalism that worked to alter the identity of cities worldwide creating an “international style” of architecture that induces a feeling of placelessness and alters the collective memory of both the people and the city. Cairo is successfully identified as a globalised megacity altered beyond recognition that is attempting to regain its identity. To regain the identity of Cairo a journey of rediscovery is established dissecting the Cairene identity and story highlighting the legends, figures and culture that shaped the city while analysing the architecture style of the dynasties. in order, to understand how modern forces came to reshape the city’s identity and understanding of the abandonment of the vernacular is formed and the overarching effects on the collective memory of the locals and the city. Finally, an understanding of the unity of dynasties and forces of nationalism through architecture was used to showcase the unity and harmony of the Cairene identity. before reshaping the dystopian temple “Mogmaa el Tahrir” symbolic of the modern beliefs and identity of the city. liberating it of its modern identity to create a temple symbolic of the Cairene identity that focuses on the unity and harmony of the locals becoming a temple for all. The dissertation was successful in regaining the Cairene identity and capturing the identity at different scales, I believe that by forming a basic understanding of the steps taken through the dissertation the identity of cities worldwide can be regained.


Yousef Aly
Student, MArch, Oxford Brookes, Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus—The Opportunities of Crisis: Resilience and Change in World History


Regaining Identity, Battling globalism, International style, Architecture