Revitalization and Sustainability of Rural Regions Using Social Networks: Focusing on the Inflow of Funds and People


This study clarifies how rural regions can be revitalized and sustained through social as well as clarifying the nature of the governance framework required for the same. It is becoming increasingly apparent that rural populations are both declining and aging. This is attributed to the outflow of young people to urban regions. In rural regions, diminishing national land conservation has become obvious and has led to difficulties in sustaining these regions. At the same time, urban individuals’ participation as financial resources and decision-makers in rural regions through social networks has become prominent. Therefore, this study focuses on the movement of funds and people from urban to rural regions using hometown associations linked with social network services. From the perspective of these areas, the study clarifies (1) the factors of continued participation of individuals by analyzing re-movement of funds and people to rural regions, (2) hometown association’s efforts to inflow funds and people toward local governance, and (3) the possibility of a theoretical framework for new local governance based on linking urban individuals to the inflow of funds and people to rural regions.


Bolormaa Battsogt
Editor-in-chief, MONTSAME National News Agency, Mongolia, Mongolia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Community Studies


Metagovernance, Social Network, Hometown association, Societal and Cultural Backgrounds