New Horizons and New Potentiality of the Public Space: Interaction, Sociality, Communication, Technology, Neuroscience, Architecture


This substantial work investigates the experimental field of the interaction between architecture, neurosciences, and social sciences. It draws on facial expression tests and studies on the brain waves that occur when individuals use certain spaces in an attempt to establish a new planning method that takes into account perceptions, feelings, and emotions to fine-tune the architectural and social features of public spaces. This research developed the possibility to create a new architectural space where public spaces could be tools or social sharing and growth, and where people could interact empathically while maintaining their individuality to build a socially satisfying common future. Based on this the research, focused on the studies conducted in contemporary neurosciences, speculating whether findings concerning the operation of Brain-Computer Interface could be applied to the planning of public spaces to improve the quality of the interaction between individuals (or between individuals and spaces themselves).The potentiality of the public space can be viewed based on the concept of body as a medium, whose extension becomes the basis or a practical intervention on the interactivity between body and space, and consequently on social interaction. It is in this sense that technology plays a part in the relationship between human beings and environment. The present study offers an architectural solution to the renewed need or social communication by incorporating an intelligent component into public spaces. This component, integrated in the project, is able to catch brain waves as an interactive architecture to increase social interactions in the space itself.


Elnaz Ghazi
Architect and Professor, Architecture-Medicine-Neuroscience-social Science- Artificial Intelligence , Professor - Master Neuroestetica at University of Tor Vergata -department of medicine and surgery , Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Interaction-Sociality-Communication-Technology-Neuroscience-Coding-interactive design