In Search for Reconciliation Patterns for Japanese-Korean Relations: Polish-German Rapprochement Experiences as a Case Study of Good Practices for East Asian Countries


The Japanese and Koreans still invoke the memory of the occupation period and World War II in their bilateral relations. This leads to severe struggles and diplomatic wars among these Asian democracies and their US allies in the region. Despite this, the search for reconciliation patterns continues on. The example of Polish-German reconciliation and cooperation can be used not only to show good practices, but also as a promotion of EU values and norms. Japan, recently facing the fear of a growing China, is searching for understanding and cooperation in Europe. Simultaneously, South Korea is searching for an understanding in its peace policy. Moreover, both countries benefit from the Free Trade Agreement with the EU. This paper considers Japanese and Korean insight into the EU’s role in the global order with a need for reconciliation and apologies, as was the case with Polish-German relations. In promoting the Polish-German rapprochement and the Europeanisation of reconciliation, this paper attempts to provide a solution, based on EU norms and values, with a special emphasis on the case of Poland and Germany, for the Japanese-Korean reconciliation possibilities and patterns.


Olga Barbasiewicz
Assistant Professor, Faculty of International and Political Studies/ Institute of Middle and Far East, Jagiellonian University, Malopolskie, Poland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus—The Opportunities of Crisis: Resilience and Change in World History


Japan, South Korea, Poland, Germany, Reconciliation, EU, War Memory