How Corporations Affect Society at a Spiritual Level


Ask any B-school graduate about the main aim of a corporation and the most likely answer would be enhancing shareholder value. The push for sustainable development in corporate culture has been a welcome change, but the concept of shareholder value is so engrained in a corporate’s collective psyche that it will always be the primary goal, often to the detriment of society and the environment. The team at the Maharshi University of Spirituality has 38 years of spiritual research experience and has undertaken extensive research into how spiritual dimension affects people’s lives. It was found that while sustainable development is a noble concept, it is just a step towards the larger altruistic spiritual role that corporates should pursue. In line with ancient Indian culture, a basic requisite for any entity should be to increase spiritually positive notions in people and the environment, or at the very least not add to the negative. Unfortunately, this understanding has been lost over time and is not included in B-school curricula. This paper elaborates on a few examples of how corporates consistently ignore these spiritual rules in various fields such as entertainment, food, beverages, jewellery, and garments to the detriment of society.


Jayant Athavale
Founder, Spiritual Research, Maharshi University of Spirituality, Goa, India

Sean Clarke
Spiritual Science Research Foundation


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Studies


Positive Spiritual Vibrations, Spiritual Perspective on Business Goals