Transferring Knowledge into Action: Examining the Impact of a Rural Indian Adolescent Girls Intervention at the Individual, Familial, and Community Level


This Community-Based Participatory Research study in Jamkhed, India engaged community members as research partners, collaboratively identifying important community issues. The long-term impact and application of knowledge and skills among Comprehensive Rural Health Project (CRHP) Adolescent Girls Program (AGP) graduates was of interest. Prior to conducting semi-structured interviews, the Elon University-CRHP Research Team conducted focus groups and pilot interviews to determine appropriate questions and effective phrasing. CRHP’s Research Team conducted 26 interviews with AGP graduates aged 23-33, originally from 9 CRHP Project Villages, identified by convenience sampling. Participants currently live in 14 villages and three cities. Interviews were translated into English and sent to Elon University for data analysis. AGP graduates demonstrated strong agency, with 100% indicating “some involvement,” 76.9% reporting over 50% involvement, and 57.7% indicating over 75% involvement in household and marital decisions. Many used AGP lessons to reject dowry, pursue higher education, start small businesses, and educate family and community members to improve health. Graduates expressed intentions to raise their children better than their mothers (9), with gender equality (6), and independence (6). 65.4% of graduates encouraged their children to finish school and 100% planned to enroll them in AGPs. 54% joined Women’s Self-Help Groups, some in leadership roles, and some starting SHGs in their new communities. Findings reveal AGP graduates’ applied knowledge and skills at individual, family, and community levels, demonstrating the long-term impact of AGPs on community participation, quality of life, and sustained community development.


Griffin Barriss
Student, Public Health, International and Global Studies, Elon University, Massachusetts, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Social and Community Studies


Global Health, Community-Based Participatory Research, Adolescent Girls, Adolescent Education, India