Librarians as Boundary Objects: Creating a New Communicative Role for Information Scientists in the Age of Interdisciplinary Research


Since the 1960s, interdisciplinary research has developed into a mainstay in science, spawning fields such as cognitive science and molecular biology. This approach originated from scientists’ realization that certain problems were unsolvable within traditional disciplinary frameworks. The purpose of our talk is to outline the ways in which librarians can uniquely contribute to interdisciplinary research. Beyond simply providing support for research teams, librarians can act as “boundary objects”—physical tools that facilitate cooperation among scientists in disparate fields—who are part of interdisciplinary research teams and provide a nexus that enables identification, communication, education, and dissemination of information relevant to the interdisciplinary problem-solving process.


Michael Root
Assistant Professor, Psychology, Bridgewater State University, Massachusetts, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session




Information Science, Boundary-Work, Boundary-Objects