Finding Ground - Experiencing Innovative Pedagogical Approaches to Enhance Resilience: Experiential Learning of Hawaiian Frescos in Creativity and Reflective Practice Workshops


The global pandemic, climate change and endemic social issues have exacerbated the growing disparity in human rights in Australia and the world. In this context, new ways of thinking, being and doing through innovative pedagogical approaches provoke risk taking and boundary breaking, emphasising the importance of creativity, reflective practices, and experiential learning approaches. Dispositions of curiosity, embodied processes, through a spirit of play, re-energise and re-new opportunities for growth. Cultivating a sense of collaboration, respecting wisdom and understanding, resonates and is reciprocated through inter-cultural understandings. Societal stressors are increasing the uncertainty and disruption being experienced, as people are urged to stay socially connected, while having to distance physically. The health and wellbeing of communities is challenged to sustain connection, social networks and belonging, as key characteristics of resilience, ie. people’s ability to adapt and respond to adversity. The creativity and reflective practice workshops support processes for recovery and re-generation through the development of resilience skills; self-efficacy, adaptability, and responsibility. Imagination and the ability to respond in challenging circumstances is supported through positive approaches to dealing with complex and traumatic issues. Our research reports workshop participants interaction in, and creation of Hawaiian ash fresco artefacts is grounded in theories of open heart and open mind to build capacity and enhance resilience. Through focusing on breathing techniques participants connect thought with mindful action, encouraging a shift from isolation and disunity, aiming to increase confidence and collective wellbeing. This innovative pedagogical approach has extensive application in diverse educational contexts.


Bronwen Wade-Leeuwen
Educator Researcher (STEAM), School of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Macquarie University, New South Wales, Australia

Kathryn McLachlan
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Macquarie University, New South Wales, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Educational Studies