Artisanal Mining and Its Drivers in the South African Context


In South Africa, Zama Zama mining is the colloquial term referring to artisanal mining. This type of mining is illegal, seeing that these mining activities take place without a mining license. South African mining companies and law enforcement attempt to address the sector and the social ills associated with Zama Zama mining, for instance, violence, the infiltration of foreigners, child labour and environmental deprivation through policing this sector but with little success. This study suggests an alternative, more proactive approach by exploring the drivers of artisanal gold mining in South Africa and ascertaining mining companies’ responsibilities in mitigating the drivers. A re-examination of Zama Zama mining’s marginalisation could replace the current reactive ways that involve policing and criminalising the sector with more sustainable and proactive approaches to address the sector’s problems.


Vidette Bester
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Sociology , University of Johannesburg, South Africa


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Social and Community Studies


Artisanal Mining, Zama Zamas, Gold Mining, Artisanal And Small-Scale Mining