Effects of Covid-19 on the Performance of Youth-owned Small Businesses in Zimbabwe


Zimbabwe is currently experiencing economic challenges and a high unemployment rate, and as is the case with most developing countries. These challenges are expected to be reduced by promoting entrepreneurship and self-employment. The study investigated the effects of Covid-19 and the related lockdown on the performance of youth-owned small businesses in Zimbabwe. Challenges faced by these youth-owned businesses and the strategies they adopted to survive the effects of Covid-19 were investigated. Qualitative research design was adopted and a questionnaire with open-ended questions was used to collect data online from a platform made available by an organization that supports youth entrepreneurship in Zimbabwe. The findings of the study showed that youth in Zimbabwe face a number of challenges and Covid-19 added to these challenges. It was revealed that Covid-19 had negative effects on the performance of youth-owned businesses. These businesses lost revenue, stock went obsolete, and some businesses had to close completely. Recommendations were provided to youth operating businesses in Zimbabwe and also to organizations that support youth-owned businesses and youth entrepreneurs.


Tendai Chimucheka
Associate Professor: Business Management, Business Management Department, University of Fort Hare, Eastern Cape, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Community Studies