State Secrets: A Case Study of Conscience in the US Military's Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Weapons Program


A top-secret US Department of Defense project during the Vietnam War involved the spraying of defoliants and chemical weapons. Portions of the program were expanded into the United States and other countries where military personnel were ordered to spray unidentified material into the air and environs. This case study involves one officer’s questions regarding what was being sprayed into the open-air, his subsequent refusal to participate in potentially harmful spraying, and the resultant harsh sanctions that abruptly ended a stellar military career.


Lisa Martino-Taylor
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus—The Opportunities of Crisis: Resilience and Change in World History


US Military; Chemical Weapons; Vietnam War; Open-Air Tests; Deviance