The Tapestry of Medicine and the Humanities : Exploring Narrative Medicine within Medical Humanities


This paper examines the transformation and renegotiation within medicine and medical education to incorporate the humanities, fostering an intersubjective and interdisciplinary approach to wellness and healthcare. As medicine progresses with advancements in biotechnology and artificial intelligence, it becomes increasingly crucial to prioritize the human aspect of healthcare. This entails cultivating empathy and refining observational skills essential for accurate diagnosis, underscoring the enduring significance of the human element even in the digital age. The use of the humanities, including literature and art, in the training of medical students is vital; thus, developing the actual art of medicine. This is required to treat and understand patients as more than vessels of disease. Situated within the broader framework of medical humanities, this study explores the integration of narrative medicine into medical practice and education. Narrative medicine, an interdisciplinary field leveraging the humanities and arts, aims to enhance healthcare delivery and amplify diverse cultural voices. The paper elucidates its role in nurturing empathetic healthcare practices and its efficacy as a potent tool for healing and connection. By fostering exploration of novel avenues for research, teaching, and engagement within the context of medical humanities and narrative medicine, this research endeavors to advance an interconnected world where compassionate care thrives at the intersection of the humanities and medicine.


Sakinah A. Ismael
Student, Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership EdD, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Critical Cultural Studies


Medical Humanities, Narrative Medicine, Interdisciplinary Humanities, Medical Education, Healthcare