Navigating the Transition: Shifting Adult Learners Towards a Humanistic Education


This paper explores the challenges inherent in fostering a humanistic learning environment for adult learners entrenched in traditional directive-driven educational paradigms. Drawing on personal experiences as a professor committed to humanistic education, this reflection delves into the complexities of transitioning adult learners to prioritize discussion and collaborative learning over defined deliverables. Adult learners, deeply ingrained in professional roles, often approach education with a preference for structured directions and tangible outcomes. However, this predisposition can hinder cultivating humanistic values such as open dialogue, critical thinking, and collective knowledge construction. This challenge requires a nuanced understanding of adult learners’ cognitive dispositions and motivation. Central to this endeavor is creating a supportive learning environment that encourages adult learners to embrace vulnerability, engage authentically, and move beyond predefined goals. Through reflective practices, empathetic facilitation, and experiential learning opportunities, educators can guide adult learners toward valuing the richness of human interaction and collaborative inquiry. The instructor is pivotal as a catalyst for transformation, balancing structure with flexibility and guidance with autonomy. By modeling humanistic principles through genuine engagement, active listening, and respect for diverse perspectives, facilitators can inspire adult learners to reevaluate their educational priorities and embrace the intrinsic rewards of collaborative learning experiences. Educators can equip adult learners with the skills and mindset necessary for lifelong learning and growth beyond the classroom through concerted efforts to shift mindsets and foster a culture of humanistic inquiry.


Esther Kim
Assistant Teaching Professor of Education, School of Education, University of Southern California, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Past and Present in the Humanistic Education