Stories Across Borders: Cross Cultural Storytelling Themes Make a Big World Seem Smaller


In this qualitative, ethnographic research, university students take on a variety of self-selected topics and use semi-structured interviews and topical research to dive into their topics. They produce reports and videos to demonstrate and articulate similarities and differences from varied cultural perspectives. Topics such as Love, Food, Sex Education in China, Parenting, Death, Finances, Choices for College Majors and Careers, Beauty and more are explored as people from around the world share their most intimate views and personal experiences. The study highlights how culture and geography impact ways of knowing and being. Each study creates a window into the world that may not be easily found without a key to unlock the feelings, desires and challenges that are experienced in different ways around the world. The reports of each project team summarize their findings. The individual interviews and each teams’ final video bring their insights to light. The stories, research approach, and tools are shared so that this research can be replicated.


Stacy Leigh Scott
Senior Lecturer, Educational Leaedership, Boston University, Massachusetts, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2024 Special Focus—Traveling Concepts: The Transfer and Translation of Ideas in the Humanities


Storytelling, Cross Cultural, Narratives, Qualitative, Ethnographic Research