The Crises of English Literary Research among South Asian Emerging Scholars : A Theoretical Framework on Crises, Crises of Literary Research in South Asia, Steps and Implementation


Emerging scholars in South Asia have to face different types of crises that impact their psychology while they are found to fail in conducting their potential research projects. They instill strength and courage in South Asian countries, including Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India, and encourage nation-building with research findings and enthusiasm to transform the state into a modern welfare state. In this concern, this study would like to investigate some major crises faced by South Asian scholars and researchers, such as difficulty in receiving grants, managing and evaluating huge amounts of information, publishing in highly indexed journals, securing intellectual property, understanding and following the nuances of academic and scientific ethics, lack of scientific training, lack of communication with supervisors, lengthiness of time, lack of in-depth knowledge, financial constraints, lack of motivation, quantity of literature, insufficient primary and secondary materials, lack of self-confidence, shortage of library management, and limited budget. This paper applies Karl Marx’s and Fredrick Engels’s theories of crises to investigate the complexities faced by emerging scholars in South Asia. It tries to deconstruct concepts of crises, evaluations, steps, and recommendations for scholars who are invested in challenges while carrying out literary research projects at universities and beyond. For these reasons, the researcher demonstrates the crises of English literary research among scholars, depicts how scholars are found to mitigate challenges, fosters the prospects of emerging scholars in South Asia, and implements the steps for overcoming crises by the government, policymakers, and specialists.


Md. Amir Hossain Hossain
Student, PhD Research Scholar, Jahangirnagar University, Bandarban zila, Bangladesh


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Traveling Concepts: The Transfer and Translation of Ideas in the Humanities


Crisis, Emerging Scholars, Karl Marx, Fredrick Engels, Literary Research, South