Developing Community Innovation through Community and University Partnerships: Queen’s Innovation Zones


This presentation explores the following questions: What is community innovation? Why research community innovation? Why research community innovation in community and university partnerships? The Innovation Zones are long term (7 years) community and university partnerships between Queen’s and two disadvantaged communities in West Belfast, Northern Ireland. The mission of the Zones is to drive community innovation in the form of evidence-based community programmes and practices that have considered not only what works, but also who it works for and if is appropriate with communities facing many challenges. Together the Innovation Zones are enhancing community assets through innovation, which improve outcomes for children, young people, families and the community as a whole. The community innovation draws in many aspects of humanities research, e.g., philosophy, history, art, music. The presentation study describes the theoretical basis of the Innovation Zones which draws on humanities theory and research in the areas of philosophy, history, art, music. It also gives examples of findings from some of the research conducted within the Innovation Zones on the design, implementation and evaluation of community innovation. The conclusions review the benefits of working in Innovation Zones including: Promoting evidence-based practice using humanities theory and research; Informing better civic decision making; Stimulating enterprise, creativity, arts and civic development; Driving collaboration and peace; Supporting scaling of community innovation; and encouraging trans-disciplinary engagement between humanities academics /other disciplines/ communities/ public and private sector.


Liam O'hare
Principal Research Fellow, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS), Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Civic, Political, and Community Studies


Community, University, Innovation, Partnership, Assets, Arts, Music, Peace