Artificial Literature: Notes on the Future of Literary Creation


This paper explores the relationship between literary creation and the emerging generative AI technologies by analyzing works of fiction produced through these types of technologies over the last five years. This reveals how AI is increasingly influencing fiction writing, making it necessary to review our traditional ideas on originality, authorship, and intellectual property. The implications of the study are twofold: first, it highlights the beginning of a new paradigm in our global culture as AI becomes more intertwined with creative processes. Second, it raises ethical and philosophical questions regarding the collaboration between humans and intelligent machines in the creation of the arts. This allows us to establish that we can currently use the term “artificial literature” to describe this type of literary creation, which has the potential to create a common ground between researchers in both the Humanities and the Sciences.


Alejandro Rossi
Lecturer, Estudios Generales, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Literary Humanities


Artificial Literature, Literary Creation, Artificial Intelligence, Generative Technologies, Human-Machine Collaboration