Case Study Evening: Meet the Writer Olga Campofreda

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Olga Campofreda, Honorary Research Fellow, University College London, United Kingdom
Annamaria Elia, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy


The New Directions in the Humanities Conference is pleased to offer the Case Study Evening "Meet the Writer" with Olga Campofreda on 27th June at 16:30 at the Plenary Room.

Olga Campofreda is a writer and researcher in Italian studies. She is an Honorary research fellow at University College London, and a member of the Italian Girlhood Research Network. Her academic production focuses mainly on the representation of youth, coming of age, girlhood and women writers. In 2023 she published the novel Ragazze perbene (NN Editore) and the essay Camerette. Un racconto sulla giovinezza dalle pareti delle nostre stanze ai social media (Einaudi). She currently writes on F magazine and D-Repubblica and teaches creative writing at Scuola Holden.

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