The Moralizing Machine: A Case Study in the Theory and Praxis of Computational Ethics


Computational philosophy—the use of computational techniques such as simulations in philosophical research—is an emerging methodology now being used across various subfields of philosophy. However, there are still no widely accepted theoretical underpinnings or methodologies for the use of computational techniques in ethical research. In this study, I present my recent work in computational philosophy to demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of computational modeling methods to ethical research, as well as the potential for such methods to contribute to the field. I utilized a type of computational simulation known as agent-based modeling to investigate questions of generosity, the results of which I interpreted using a novel working metaphilosophical theory of computational ethics. My agent-based model consists of various simulated societies, each following a different moral precept related to generosity, competing for limited resources over time. I assessed measures of growth, mortality, and equality across the societies to infer the societal consequences of following each of the given moral precepts and understood these empirical observations in light of different teleological moral theories—including classical utilitarianism, Rawlsian distributive justice, and Mohist consequentialism—to draw normative conclusions. My study ultimately demonstrated the theoretical and practical value of computer simulations in rigorous teleological ethical research. More work is necessary to determine the feasibility of the application of computational techniques to deontological and virtue ethical research.


Jacob Shaw
Student, Philosophy, Yale University, Connecticut, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2022 Special Focus—Data, Media, Knowledge: Re-Considering Interdisciplinarity and the Digital Humanities


Computational Philosophy, Digital Humanities, Computer Simulations, Agent-Based Modeling, Ethics