Aquin8as and Love among the Rock - and Roll


This study explores a new direction in the humanities by using the creations of popular culture to test the analysis of concepts undertaken in the traditional humanities. To see how this works, Aquinas’ analysis of love is tested using rock love songs from the 1960s. Aquinas in Summa Theologiae Prima Secundæ Partis, Q. 26-28xf identifies eight characteristics of love. These are: 1. Commonality - the existence of similarities between lover and beloved, ultimately creating a common identity, 2. Union - wishing to be with the beloved in emotion, thought, and action, 3. melting - a softening of the heart, whereby the heart shows itself to be ready for the entrance of the beloved into his/her identity, 4. Enjoyment - the beloved is present and possessed, and pleasure or enjoyment ensues, 5. Languor - sadness and anger at the absence of the beloved., 6. Fervor - an intense desire to re-unite with the beloved, 7. Ecstasy - existing outside of oneself, and 8. Zeal - the intensity of love and the strength of the desire to do whatever is necessary to overcoming any obstacles standing between the lover and the beloved. If these are valid aspects of love, then one should be able to identify them in common expressions and descriptions of love. Love is a frequent theme of 1960s rock songs. However, no song can be expected to capture all aspects. Thus, different love songs are used to highlight different aspects of love.


Michael K. Green
Professor, Philosophy, State University of New York-Oneonta, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Literary Humanities