Volunteering, Altruism, and Activism: Human Citizenship and Ways of Belonging


This paper is based on my practice based research study which employs the artefact-exegesis model to write a young adult novel which explores the impact of volunteering. Informed by my own experience in industry and community immersed in volunteering, altruism and activism, my study attempts to capture the impact of volunteerism through narrative storytelling. This paper explores what states of belonging can be sought and found through volunteering. Through practice based creative research, I have written a novel which attempts to fill the research gaps by telling the real stories of the impact of volunteering. In this unique time in history, when volunteering can be a radical act, what can volunteering, altruism, and activism tell us about citizenship, identity and belonging?


Rosemary Joiner
PhD Candidate, School of Arts, Federation University, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Civic, Political, and Community Studies


Practice, Research, Narrative, Volunteering, Citizenship, Belonging