Music, Personality, and Preferences: A Mathematical Valuation of Art


The love of music is ubiquitous; yet, musical preferences are seemingly immeasurable. Little is known about the nature of those preferences. Many wish to understand them to increase profits (labels, producers, and the artists themselves), whilst others wish only to deconstruct an elegant component of the flourishing life. In the present work, we have searched for associations between personality indicators, and the affects those traits may have on musical preferences…we have done so, to help artists better understand their fans, to help fans better understand the artists they follow, and most urgently, to recommend a mechanism for increasing the appreciation amongst fans for new forms of music (art).


Samuel Seaman
Professor, Decision Sciences, Pepperdine Graziadio School of Business, California, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2022 Special Focus—Data, Media, Knowledge: Re-Considering Interdisciplinarity and the Digital Humanities


Music, Personality, Preferences,Value of Art