Evolution of Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanities


Within the past thirty years, AI technology has developed into a significant level that affected human communication in a critical way. The future development of AI appears to have revolutionary and momentous changes for humanities and the entire human civilization. This paper focuses on certain aspects of AI development and its effects on humanities from a critical viewpoint, studying both the positive and the negative consequences that are likely to emerge in near future. The paper uses a rhetorical approach and humanities-based methodology that is aligned with philosophy of communication orientation. The points of investigation are planned towards the following areas: AI use in music, literature, and arts; AI utilization in organizational decision making and policy development; AI use in medical and academic research (including but not limited to medicine and sciences); and AI design for human assistance, companionship, and therapeutic support. Of course, the scope of all these examples is too large to be addressed in a single study, however, the expectation is to initiate a critical analysis for potential conversation and discussion topics in anticipation for possible benefits and unexpected harms that might influence human experience in general.


Cem Zeytinoglu
Professor of Communication, East Stroudsburg University of PA, Pennsylvania, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Data, Media, Knowledge: Re-Considering Interdisciplinarity and the Digital Humanities


Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Communication, Computational Humanities, Rhetorical Studies