Approaching Poetry with Automated Tools: Potential Benefits of a Digital Learning Environment to Advance Reading Skills


We present poetry reading exercises developed for the platform Opiq, a cloud computing environment created by StarCloud and used by a growing number of publishers to provide digital learning content for schools. Various automated exercise models (radio buttons, multiple choice, filling blanks, matching pairs etc.) being an important asset on the platform, we have been exploring methods to use them in content development for literature classes, where such models have traditionally held a relatively marginal role in Estonian literary pedagogy in middle and high school. Considering competences involved in understanding poetic texts in terms of automated feedback has led us to adapt some types of exercises that are widely used in teaching foreign languages and basic reading. Their systematic use in literary pedagogy helps teachers to better assess pupils’ progress and eventual difficulties, as well as provide didactical support in fields known for relatively weak methodological preparation, such as teaching poetry reading skills. For the showcase, we’ve prepared a set of exercises in English based on some poems by widely known authors to represent our methodological approach and technical models. We raise discussion about the potential of automated feedback exercises in teaching poetry, as well as the more general problematics of apparently rigid software structure potentially leading towards greater flexibility in methodological and interdisciplinary thinking.


Katre Talviste
Researcher, Institute of Cultural Research, University of Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia

Inga Sapunjan
Student, Ph.D, University of Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2022 Special Focus—Data, Media, Knowledge: Re-Considering Interdisciplinarity and the Digital Humanities


Literary Pedagogy, Poetry Reading, Automated Feedback Exercises, Digital Learning Environment