Reinterpretation and Representation of Exotic Image in the Works of Jules Verne and Victor Segalan


The paper explores the reinterpretation and representation of exotic image in French literature. This paper takes the image theory as the main research theory from the perspective of Chinese image in French literature and art works through the period:Les Tribulations d’un Chinois en Chine (1879) of Jules Verne (1828-1905) and René Leys (1921) of Victor Segalan (1878-1919). The intertextuality sums up the evolution of the Chinese image in France, and raises a question behind the image: Is it the “addiction” of Western society to the Eastern society? Or is it another reflection and “interpretation” of his/her native culture? The relevant conclusions of this project are expected to contribute to the cultural exchanges between China and France, and can also carry out follow-up academic research topics, which can be regarded as another study of Sino-French cross-cultural research, as an opportunity to trace back to the Chinese image in French literature and art in the 18th century. At the same time, it can be further explored for the flipping or transformation of Chinese image in today’s popular culture.


Wen Hui Chang
Associate Professor, Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Critical Cultural Studies


Exotic image, French literature, Jules Verne, Image theory, Victor Segalan