New Directions for Humanity Education: Teacher Well-being in Low-income South African Communities


South African educators in low socio-economic contexts have been teaching within various lockdown levels since March 2020 as part of a nationwide response to the increase in COVID-19 infection rates. This response required educators to make adaptations to their teaching practices to meet the immediate educational needs of the learners. Educators do more tasks outside their usual job descriptions such as teaching remotely and taking responsibility for learner development and well-being outside the class. Standards and expectations have increased, yet the issue of educator well-being has not been prioritized and the theme of education for a new humanity that focuses on the well-being of educators needs priority. This research describes educators’ experiences of well-being during the national Level 4 lockdown where learners returned to school in May 2020. It reflects on the situation through an exploratory qualitative research approach interviewing 9 educators using semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. A key finding of the study found that an innovative and collective approach that facilitates the development of a sense of community of all role-players within a school context is essential to educators’ well-being. Recommendations to implement socially just, innovative and collaborative practices within these contexts are suggested that include effective, transformational, and transactional school teams that address how parents, schools, and communities can work together to promote improvement and development and give learners hope. The study shows how health, social and economic development is inextricably linked to education for a new humanity and facilitated through educators with optimal well-being.


Tracey Ann Adonis
Lecturer, Psychology, University of the Western Cape, Western Cape, South Africa

Noluthando Mpisane
Student, Masters in Research Psychology, University of the Western Cape , Western Cape, South Africa

Maria Florence
Associate Professor, Psychology, University of the Western Cape, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Past and Present in the Humanistic Education