From EFL/ESL to WE: Considering New Perspectives in English Language Teaching


This study falls directly into the area of language dynamics, and more specifically, within the category of global English (hereafter GE). Overall, GE has been defined as the type of English used by users coming from international and transnational scenarios whose L1 (first language) is other than English itself. Although several terms including ELF (English as a lingua franca), EIL (English as an international language), EILF (English as an international lingua franca) WE (world Englishes) GE (global Englishes), among others have been interchangeably used within the already emerging body of scholarly literature on the topic as a manner to refer to this linguistic phenomenon, more recent empirical and conceptual initiatives have highlighted the fact that it does not only become necessary if not mandatory to stop fostering and replicating traditional English language teaching models where principally American and British variations of English are privileged over the others. Beyond that, it is claimed that it is paramount to boost the implementation of what authors such as Galloway and Rose (2018), Jenkins (2006, 2021), Macias (2010), and Ates et al (2015) have referred to as a “Global Englishes Language Teaching Method” where other dialects of English (es) including those which belong to expanding and outer circle countries (Kachru, 1992) can be taught. In light of this, in this paper I consider some theory driven considerations for the successful implementation of a global Englishes language teaching-based method, as well as the preliminary findings of an ongoing research study on this field.


Jhon Eduardo Mosquera Pérez
Full Time English Teacher Educator and Researcher, Education , Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Boyacá, Colombia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Communications and Linguistic Studies


English, English Teaching, Global English