The Imagination's New Beginning: Restoring the Relationship Between the Humanities and Theology


This study focuses on the relationship between the Humanities and Theology and explores ways in which each can contribute to, strengthen and enrich the other by returning to their shared imaginative origins and historic interdependence. In the great ages of human achievement, faith and fiction, poetry and prophesy have recognized their respective essential contributions to human wellbeing and progress. When the humanities have left no place for gods and angels and religions have diminished the contributions of poets and novelists, humanity has suffered. Restoring this rich relationship seems particularly important in an age in which the influence of both the humanities and theology/religion are waning in the face of an increasingly secular, technological, and socially fractured world. Reestablishing the historic rapprochement between the Humanities and Theology is the task of both humanists and theologians/religionists. This study suggests positive steps toward that rapprochement, especially by reawakening the imagination to find new beginnings.


Robert Rees
Visiting Professor and Director of Latter-day Saint/Mormon Studies, Graduate Education, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Past and Present in the Humanistic Education


Humanities, Theology, Religion, Imagination, Rapprochement