Life Satisfaction in Emerging Adults: The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence


Emerging adulthood has been identified as a crucial stage in development (Arnett, 1998). Wood et al. (2018) defined what makes an adult as taking responsibility, making independent decisions, and reaching financial independence. The successful navigation of the “in-between” years (Arnett, 1998) may be determined by factors that impact personal and social relations, such as emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. This also has been implicated in work by Howard Gardner (1983), on the multiple intelligences, and Rachael Kessler (2000), on the increasing importance of spirituality in adolescence. There is evidence to suggest rising numbers of emerging adults suffering from anxiety and depression (LeBlanc Brown Henin, 2020). Also Gustavson, Knudsen, Nesvåg, et al. (2018), in a longitudinal study, found that presence of mental disorders in the twenties boded ill for continued mental problems later in life. Either anxiety about the future, depressive resignation, or a combination of both is more and more characteristic of emerging adults. While life circumstances around this time of life contain uncertainties, the extent to which they become debilitating, or at least dysfunctional, may depend on individuals’ emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. This study is designed to take a preliminary look at whether there is a functional relationship among these factors and life satisfaction, toward the goal of suggesting areas of intervention/preventive strengthening against problematic anxiety and depression.


Jonathan Kasler
Senior Lecturer, Education, Tel Hai Academic College, HaZafon, Israel

Ofra Walter
Head Of Drama Therapy andHead Of Drama Therapy and Art Therapy Graduate Program, Head Therapy Graduate Program, Education Lecturer, Tel Hai Academic College , Haifa, Israel


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Past and Present in the Humanistic Education


Life Satisfaction, Emerging Adults, Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence