Andean’s Children in Brazil Not Learning Any Language as a Symptom : A Participatory Action Research as a Method to Face the Socio-political Dimension of Suffering


In this paper, we will present a part of doctoral research in which we accompany the immigrant’s schooling in São Paulo city, Brazil. In our research we noticed that many immigrant children aren’t learning any language, many of them are diagnosed into the Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or under suspicion. We initiate, two years ago, a participatory action research in some schools, in which we problematize the construction of this symptom. We insist on comprehending this production as a social production and not as an individual disease. We support a theoretical framework based on Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalytic theory, but emphasising the dimension of the politics in the psychoanalytic practice. Being more precise, we support a clinical-political psychoanalytic practice that encourages a necessary dialogue with other fields of knowledge and that encourages, as well, the deepening of concepts and the creation of clinical devices compatible with socio-political dimensions of suffering (Rosa, Estêvão & Braga, jul/set 2017). Thereby, in our participatory action research we developed a clinical-political psychoanalytic practice that dialogues with the educational field, considering all the specific points of these institutions. Sustained by this theoretical framework, we intent to discuss in our paper the issue of “not learning any language as a symptom” as an effect of being placed inside the social bound (Lacan, 1992) in an undervalued manner. Can the symptom of not learning any language be comprehended as a denunciation of this socio-political dimension of suffering? Guided by this question we develop our paper.


Joana Sampaio Primo
Student, PHD, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Civic, Political, and Community Studies