Transforming Product Creation with Artificial Intelligence: The Case of Vizcom


The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the product design process represents a significant advancement in the industry. This article briefly analyzes the production process of the product design and innovation stages. It presents a case study focused on the company Vizcom, which has adopted generative AI to transform its creative process. It explores how generative AI fits into the product design workflow and how Vizcom has pioneered this implementation. Additionally, the types of AI used in design are analyzed, along with the benefits that this technology brings to the creative process. Concrete examples of AI applications in design illustrate its impact on the efficiency and quality of the final product. Finally, the implications and future potential of AI in product design are highlighted.


Javier Amat
Student, New Trends and Innovation Processes in Communication, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain

Jaume Gual Ortí
Universitat Jaume I


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Designed Objects


Generative artificial intelligence, Product design, Creativity, Vizcom, Implementation, AI benefits