Finance on Mars: Exploring Sustainable Financial and Socio-economic Innovative Models through Speculative Design


As the world grapples with the enduring consequences of entrenched neoliberal economic models, there is an increasing recognition of the urgent need to foster innovative alternatives prioritizing sustainability, social justice, and environmental stewardship. Although the neoliberal model continues to dominate among economists and politicians, diverse communities emphasize the importance of innovative thinking in exploring other models. This research delves into the pivotal role of design in developing sustainable economic models, drawing insights from an experimental educational initiative to foster paradigm shifts. The study discusses an experimental course for designers, designed to cultivate the practice of conceptualizing, building, and testing “speculative-yet-feasible” futuristic scenarios to challenge existing orthodoxies. By integrating financial concepts and design principles through a futuristic lens, the course empowers students to envision and prototype sustainable economic models. Utilizing methodologies like inclusive design, participants engage in creative extrapolation to envision new economic approaches. This included speculative AI scenarios such as transparent pensions, taxation, and interest systems on Mars. The course blends theoretical exploration with hands-on experimentation to equip students with the necessary mindset to navigate the complex intersection of designing economics. It encourages them to articulate financial models for preferable futuristic economies. The research demonstrates that design approaches and methods of operation are not merely useful but imperatively necessary for creating radically different paths. Indeed, key findings showed that designers developed innovative finance platforms aligning with sustainability and social justice principles, emerging as a powerful catalyst for transformative change when integrated from the beginning and throughout the decision-making process.


Yifat Reuveni
Faculty, Visual and Materialistic Culture, Bezalel Academy for Art and Design, Jerusalem, Yerushalayim, Israel


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education