Enabling the New Designer: Conducting Flow, Rhythm and Dynamics in First Year Studios


Over several years of teaching first-year students, we have developed pedagogical measures and strategies for orchestrating the students individual voices aiding their transition into higher education and beyond. This paper offers practical insights into implementing strategies to facilitate active learning to a generation that come from a school where variety and independence were not perhaps as valued as in the design discipline and with that come challenges in flourishing in a new way of working – a typical studio-based, individual model. To cognitively activate students to achieve higher learning and be part of developing their own ambitions and take on design, we have worked specifically on developing their feedback literacy. Through feedback literacy, we find that students acquire an expanded and essential vocabulary, gaining valuable and critical insight into their own role as designers. Through structured discussions and interactive activities, we have learned to foster an environment that nurtures collaborative learning and enhances critical thinking skills. In this paper, we exemplify how we work with flow and rhythm throughout the first semester of a five-year Master of Design program at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, with a class of 60 students.


Aleksandra Fischer
Assistant Professor, Design, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway

Anna Martine Nilsen
Assistant Professor, Institute of Design, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway

Vera Pahle
Associate Professor, Institute of Design, The Oslo School of Achitecture and design, Norway


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Class dynamics, Creativity, Active learning, Feedback literacy, Agency