Refresh : Workspace Environment


The COVID-19 pandemic created an increased burden on hospitals, creating problems of overcrowding and a shortage of caregivers, which directly increased 23% of the workload of nurses. “Refresh” is a project that enhances the care environment by creating in-between spaces to allow nurses to rest, maximizing the use of break time by boosting their spatial experience. The project ensures that accessibility is prioritized to allow efficiency by taking advantage of physical site strength as the old structure provides more open spaces between the block and windows opening to allow air circulation and natural lighting inside spaces. This created the possibility to integrate the outdoor spaces with indoor spaces. The transaction of space benefits the social factor by making better flexibility and balance that satisfies the time spent of the user between the departments, meets the job demand and gives more control over the environment. Using Bamboo, Jute, and concrete makes the nurse’s workplace more interesting and eco-friendly. Jute net panels and bamboo frames add excitement with light and shadows. Jute is good for the environment as it absorbs carbon dioxide and produces oxygen. These materials locally sourced from Singapore not only support the economy but also reduce environmental footprint through minimized transportation. By using them, the workplace feels more connected to nature and more pleasant.


Anjali Saini
Founder and Principal Designer, Interior Designer, Studio Refresh, Rajasthan, India


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design


Workspace environment Nurses Covid 19 In Between Spaces Eco Friendly