Packaging Design: The Branding Tool Impact - Influence of Packaging in Skincare


The research begins with a comprehensive literature review to establish a theoretical framework, drawing from relevant fields such as consumer psychology, marketing, and design theory. The review delves into previous studies exploring the impact of packaging design on consumer behaviour, with a specific focus on the beauty and cosmetics industry. The research pays particular attention to demographic factors such as age, gender, and cultural background, as these may influence individual preferences for packaging design elements. Moreover, the study explores how packaging design affects consumer perceptions of product quality, efficacy, and brand personality. The study investigates how design elements such as color, shape, typography, material, and branding impact consumer perceptions of product quality, value, and brand personality. Furthermore, it explores the role of packaging in enhancing product visibility, differentiation, and brand recognition on crowded retail shelves and in online marketplaces. By understanding the nuanced relationship between packaging design, consumer psychology, and product perception, companies can develop more targeted and effective packaging strategies to stand out in the competitive skincare market.


Aishvaryaa Dhamodarasamy
Student, Master of Design Space, National Institute of Fashion Technology Kannur, Kerala, India

Ratna Priya
Assistant Professor, Master of Design Space, National Institute of Fashion Technology Kannur, Kerala, India

Sunny Bairisal
Assistant Professor, Department of Design Space, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Kannur, Kerala, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Designed Objects


Consumer Psychology, Design Theory, Design Elements, Aesthetics, Cosmetics, Brand Strategy