Facilitating the Integration of a Humanistic Approach in Design Degrees: Curricular, Methodological and Organizational Approaches


Humanistic training in degrees committed to communication not only can, but must work on adequate awareness about new communication practices and cultural content, so that the future identity of its students, as designers, goes through reflection, integration and decision making about their context and their own positioning. The degree in transmedia design and project management is the first degree in Europe that is specifically dedicated to transmedia narratives, training designers who understand design as a humanistic practice that integrates technique with narrative. The present study is integrated into holistic research that investigates the construction of identities and imaginaries in transmedia culture, interrelating two fundamental elements of contemporary society: mass media (its products and processes) and discourses. individual and collective that make up human reality (crystallized in the identities and imaginaries present in every community). In this work, qualitative results of focus groups with current and graduate students and teachers have been analyzed around those dimensions of the degree that promote a humanistic approach in the identity construction of students who, once graduated, will develop their activity as designers in the context of the mass media.


Núria Hernández Sellés
Student, International PHD,Educational Sciences, Transmedia Education, La Salle Campus Madrid, Madrid, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Design Education, Higher Education, Humanistic Approaches