Exploring Interdisciplinary, Collaborative Learning Process in Design Pedagogy through a Case Study


Educators in the fields of art and design have constantly strived to explore new, unconventional and effective ways of teaching. However, with growing specialization and compartmentalization of various design domains, their pedagogical methods are also becoming increasingly segregated. This results in higher domain expertise, but has a counter impact on innovativeness, creativity and lateral thinking; traits that are fundamental and extremely critical to a designer. The academic project presented here is for interdisciplinary ‘Collaborative Studios’ for students of different design disciplines, which emerged from the need to expose them to holistic and collaborative thinking and problem solving, across heterogeneous contexts and conditions. The paper looks at the ‘Collaborative Studios’ as a case study and demonstrates how this approach in design education has proved to be very valuable and also brings forth issues and concerns that could come up in such pedagogy – which could be of use to other design academicians and researchers. This study aims to demonstrate how interdisciplinary and lateral connections across design disciplines play a very important role in design education.


Sangramsinh Parmar
Associate Professor, Head of Department - Space Design, Anant National University, India


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Design Education


Design, Pedagogy, Multi-disciplinary, Collaboration, Convergence