Our Neighborhood in the City: Santa Maria Maior Case Study


In response to the call for a “New European Bauhaus” initiative, a group of professors from the Visual Arts and Technologies program at a Lisbon-based university have developed an academic project under the theme “Lisbon is Us: Our Neighborhood in the City”. The project aims to contribute to a better experience and livelihood in the city, while also promoting the development of a more sustainable urban environment. Through the lens of design, the project seeks to explore the construction of the imaginary of a city, and to define areas of action in the field of communication design that can create a visual language that represents the identity of a city and its communities. Specifically, the project presents a proposal of storytelling and engagement project with the community, on the unique and diverse Santa Maria Maior district, in Lisbon, aiming to capture its subjective dimension and to valorize its importance in studying urban phenomena and future ways of living.


Helena Grácio
Professor, Arts & Design, Education Superior School, Lisboa, Portugal

Eliana Jesus

Beatriz Ramos
Student, Student, Education Superior School, Portugal

Cátia Rijo
Assistant Professor, Art and Desing, Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal