Digital Versus Physical Textiles: A Browzwear Appearance Survey Study


The apparel industry has recently tried to lower its global pollution by switching to more sustainable production methods. One of these methods is virtual apparel sampling. It provides less waste, is cost effective, faster, and more sustainable. Browzwear is one of the leading software companies that brands are using to produce virtual prototypes. Digitized fabric is a major component in creating a proper virtual garment. To test how visually similar or different digital fabrics are, specifically in Browzwear, researchers selected five fabrics that were different weaves and knits. The fabrics were manipulated using different sewing techniques and compared to their virtual render. These comparisons were put into a survey that was deployed to university students and faculty with different experience levels to understand how similarities and differences were perceived. Prior to deploying the survey, the researchers developed six hypotheses they thought may be the outcome of the survey. Once the survey was complete, the results were statistically analyzed to see if it matched the developed hypotheses. The visual survey indicates that participants preferred the physical fabrics and digital fabrics do not create a perfect digital double at this time.


Amanda J. Thompson
Associate Professor, Clothing, Textiles, and Interior Design, University of Alabama, Alabama, United States

Trevor Collins (Hill)
Instructor, College of Human Enviromental Sciences, The University of Alabama, Alabama, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Visual Design


Browzwear, Render, Survey, Sustainability, Virtual Enviroment