Exploring Closure in Time: What Can Gestalt Closure Be in Narratives on Screen?


This research discusses motion and time as new design elements considering new media. Digital design involves navigation or sequence for the user’s process or expectancy. What can Gestalt Closure be in narratives on screen? Closure in general, we can forgive individual idiosyncratic or not perfect forms using group-wise definition or holistic understanding such that the comprehension becomes more meaningful. For screen, a class project Motion Dictionary is exemplified to discuss Closure in space-time in relation to the transformation of the principle into screen-based media. Students designed a short, compelling, narrative movie clip jumping off from simple to transform the motion to its word meaning. The research discusses motion behavioral content, form, and function as they create motion meaning for a word they inform. The rhythmic properties of sound or sound effect that corresponds to the creative motion is also discussed. The goal is to engage with Closure in time with examples enhancing the act of creating stronger narratives or storytelling thereby multimedia designer can apply the logic into their creative design process.


Jinsook Kim
Associate Professor, Communication, Graphic Design & Multimedia, Georgian Court University, New Jersey, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Visual Design


Closure, Motion Closure, Narratives in time, Time-based media, Interpretation