Go and See: Tours that Provide Life Changing Experiential Learning for Art and Design Students


Over the course of 20 years I have prepared, organized and led tours for art and design students to some of the major creative centers in the world such as New York City, Los Angeles, Amsterdam, London and Paris. These tours are designed to be in-depth, experiential and on the ground, where visually creative students engage and interact with leading industry professionals, while gaining rich artistic and historical perspectives through museums and historical sites. Preparing and actually leading tours create a great deal of challenges. This paper addresses the three main issues in the preparation and leading a tour for art and design students. Preparations: Where to go? Who to see and visit? How to contact, arrange and secure appointments? How to promote and generate student interest? How many students? What is the right time frame? What kind of academic credit will be offered to students? Budget Considerations. Where to Stay? Travel Tips and Safety. On The Ground Travel: What kind of itinerary is best for your students and circumstances? What to do once you are there? How to communicate as a group. How much is too much? Freedom or Restrictions - do you trust your students? Learning Outcomes: How to assess what they learned. The importance of reflection and discussion. What kind of credit should students receive? Projects or Papers? This paper offers an in-depth look at these and the many other issues that surround providing tours that open new and profound professional and creative horizons.


Christopher Graves
Assistant Professor, Graphic Design, Art & Design, Southern Utah University, Utah, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education